Door Blinds

Our doors blinds are suitable for all types of UPVC doors, such as French doors, patio doors, which attach to the door frame, these blinds are either Clip Fit (no frame) or Perfect Fit (with a frame). If you require Bi-Fold blinds, please look at Clip Fit only. If you are wanting a blind for your door recess then a vertical blind with a split bunch option is ideal.

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Get the Best Blind for your Door


We’ve collected the best blinds for your uPVC, or aluminium doors and windows.  From delicate pleated fabrics available in Perfect Fit and Clip Fit blind types, to perfect minimalist Venetian blind types; all options offer a no-drill, no-screw method of fitting blinds to your door.


Perfect Fits blinds come with a frame that the blind sits within, just be sure to checkout our measuring guides and spec, ensuring you have a 25mm clearance from glass to any obstructions, like a handle or vent. This frame and blind then slots onto brackets which slot under the beading, these are available at 18mm, 20mm 22mm and 24mm depths.


Clip Fit blinds are a little different when compared to Perfect Fit.  Though it still uses brackets to slide under the beading, it uses a set of independent brackets 


What are the Best Blinds for Doors?

The best blinds for doors are the types which clip directly onto the door. You have the choice of Clip Fit or Perfect Fit blinds; both of which clip onto the door directly by using the window beading/gasket seal for a secure fit. However, if you don’t have a seal you can use, and you have room in the doorway recess, why not consider a Vertical Blind instead? Due to their large width and drop availability, these blinds are fantastic for areas with large spans of glass.  Just remember you’ll need a 9.5cm minimum recess depth to be able to operate the blind!

See the full list of Door Blind products


What Are The Blinds For A Door Normally Called?

Clip Fit and Perfect Fit Blinds are a very similar type of blind they are both designed to work with uPVC windows and doors. They both clip directly onto the window glass with the brackets supplied, and both don’t need any drilling or screwing to fit. The main difference is that perfect fit come with a full frame that encompasses the full blind and the neat fits don’t.

See the full list of Door Blind products


How Do I Fit Door Blinds?

Door blinds are easy to fit, they use the screw-free bracket supplied to cling to the window via the window seal. You don’t need to do any drilling, just simply slide into place and clip your blind on. You can have them up and in your door glass in under 5 minutes. Though both blind types use the clip way of fitting, they do have some differences; Perfect Fit blinds come with an all-around frame that the blind sits in, whereas Clip Fit blinds have a top and bottom rail, that slots onto the brackets.

See the full list of Door Blind products

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