Fitting & Caring for your Perfect Fit© Shutters | 247 Guides
Want the up-market opulence of made to measure shutters without breaking the bank? Look no further than our, no drill, easy to install, Perfect Fit© shutters.
You can get your Perfect Fit© shutters out of the box and have them up on the window in the time it takes to get the kettle on and a brew ready; meaning not only are they a stunning modern solution but a quick and easy one as well!
If you know what you are looking for, head over to that section here:
What tools will I need to fit?

What Comes With My Shutter?
In the box, you should receive the following:

4-6 Perfect Fit© Shutter Brackets

Your Perfect Fit© Shutter
What tools will I need to fit my Shutters?
To fit your new Perfect Fit© Shutter, you will need the following tools:
- Pencil to mark out your bracket placements.
- A measuring tape to help measure up bracket placements.
Optional extras:
- Lubricant
- Credit Card – To correctly position your brackets without a tape measure
- A Measuring Tape – to help measure up any additional bracket placements.

A Pencil

A Credit Card

A Measuring Tape
Fitting The Brackets & Installation
Fitting Perfect Fit© Shutters is as easy as normal Perfect Fit© Blinds.
To easily find the correct positioning of the brackets on your glass, you may require a measuring card or a credit/debit card.
Place this card in the corner of your window to find the correct position for your brackets. Repeat this step for each corner of the window.
For shutters that need additional brackets, simply use a tape measure to mark the location of the brackets which will ensure correct positioning.
Once all of the brackets are installed, simply line up the top shutter and push the frame up onto the brackets, then push the bottom of the shutter into place.

Child Safety
Perfect Fit© Shutters are child safe by design, though as with all window dressings they still pose a risk if used unsafely or installed in an unsafe location. To ensure your Shutter is as safe as possible, please ensure all beds, cots, or furniture that can be climbed is moved away from the window. While the shutters do pose minimal risk in regard to choking or strangulation they can still be pulled off the brackets and cause a risk of crushing or injury.